T.O.S.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / T.O.S.

T.O.S. has selected their winning logo design.

For $875 they received 597 designs from 71 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Accelerate your vision (primary - inspirational); Modern family office co-op (secondary - descriptive)
What We Do
Our mission: To simplify and optimize the management of family offices.

What we provide: We provide convenient and cost-effective access to the curated resources family offices need.

How we do it: We have created a subscription co-op that offers members best-in-class technology, a specialized team and a peer network to accelerate their vision.

How we are different: We believe in the importance of independent advice and have designed a modular menu of conflict-free solutions to serve in an organization’s best interest.

Why we are credible: With decades of experience in operating and supporting family offices, we understand their unique
challenges and opportunities as well as the best approaches and processes.

Positioning statement: T.O.S. simplifies and optimizes the management of family offices. We understand the importance of independent advice and have curated a modular menu of conflict-free solutions to streamline your operations and expand your opportunities. As a member of the T.O.S. Co-op, you gain convenient, cost-effective access to best-in-class technology, a specialized team and a peer network to accelerate your vision.
Color Preferences
Blue, grey, black, white
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Simpler is better. Ideally, the name of the firm (TOS) is the logo. We do not want people to pronounce our firm as the word "toss". TOS is an acronym and we have added periods between the letters in the past to avoid confusion. We are open to suggestions. TOS stands for Transparency, Objectivity, and Service - our value proposition.


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