Thank you. I reviewed the logo with my partner. He also likes the one that we have ranked #1. Can you refine the design by doing the following:
Move the SyMap words lower so that the renal artery is exposed. Then run a line across the top of the word SyMap and let it enter the renal artery to the midpoint. Place a perpendicular line and then a single circle, like a gun target.
Using this design, try placing the kidney on the left and then reversed on the right side of the word SyMap
#73 #74 #75 added I've used just star burst ( because gun target is another designer's concept, that is submitted before me. That means , if a designer submit a design concept, others cant copy it ) so maybe we can continue with star burst ( or different graphics except from gun target )
We would like to know if it is possible to take the logo that we have ranked #5 and give it the italic design of #1. We believe that would be a final design winner for us. It that a possibility?
Its important if a gun target is clearly related with your product.. For example , does your device use a target sign ? or does it have some clear features that are related with target sign ? or have you ever used a target sign with your product ? if yes, it shows a target sign is a general-related item for your device, and I can use it .
Yes, the device as we envision the design will use a target (looks like a gun target but we do not have a gun) to map the nerves inside the artery that supplies blood to the kidneys. Once we have found the target spot with the important nerve, we will use energy to stop it from functioning. This will lower your blood pressure (important in patients with high blood pressure).
Once we decide you are the winner, what is the next step? We are interested to have a logo and also a PowerPoint template. Thank you.