#60 Really interesting :) This could be a finalist we decide on wednesday! Could you make this with the figure from #61 and change the red colour to a blue colour. Than add the tekst VADEHAVET round the right circle (like you have with NATUREN TIL BORDS) and VESTERHAVET round the left circle
Also we would like to see #60 with the #61 figure in green (left side) blue (right side) NATUREN TIL BORDS left as now and if there is enough room VADEHAV & VESTERHAV round the left circle Thanks !
Hi! Thanks. I will create these modifications tomorrow. I need just one explanation - where I must put that "Din vejviser til madhåndværket"? Under the Sydvestjyske Smagsoplevelser? Then its clear and I can do that. Do you need these drafts here too?
Please use figure from #76 with VADEHAV & VESTERHAV
#76 please correct madhåndværkets to madhåndværket (without the s)
for pay-off under "din vejviser til madhåndværket" and "resourcecenter for madhåndværket" in #72 & 76 use same type face as NATUREN TIL BORDS under entry #67