I can´t really follow the 1st ranked designers, because of the rules in logotournament. But i´ve made a big studie on the sycamore leaf and handraw 4 different leafs, to give you a few good options for your consideration. Usually i handraw on paper and them i vectorize them to the vector software so all my logos using the sycamore leaf have a human feel in it.
Please check revisions and let me know what do you think:
1 - All grey
- #386 | #387 | #388 | #389
You are one of two finalists we are considering. We are pretty close, but need some minor tweaks. Can you try and make the shape of the leaf closer to that of the first ranked logo? We're also thinking one color either all blue or all grey might look better.
Can the color behind the leaf be one color? Also, can you put a box around the square. Maybe just slightly more detail in leaf, but not as much as the other ones.
Sorry for the late upload of revisions. I had to make extra hours at work, only arrive now home. I´ve still had time to submit a few variations for your appreciation before go to sleep.
Nic. Ok, can you try taking a little bit of the detail out of the leaf? Trying to find the balance of simplicity and refinement. It's slightly too mature looking. Also try one iteration without the outer box (this may or may not work well)
I understaind what do you mean, but it´s all gray. The thing is, the preview on the website is not the best, so if you download this image in low resolution and zoom it will look like it has green on the outersquare.
But i´m seem it on my vector software, with perfect resolution and it´s a pure rich gray color, i´m using Pantone 431 C also:
Comment Activity
Hope you´re having a good day.
Thanks for the great update.
I can´t really follow the 1st ranked designers, because of the rules in logotournament. But i´ve made a big studie on the sycamore leaf and handraw 4 different leafs, to give you a few good options for your consideration. Usually i handraw on paper and them i vectorize them to the vector software so all my logos using the sycamore leaf have a human feel in it.
Please check revisions and let me know what do you think:
1 - All grey
- #386 | #387 | #388 | #389
2 - All blue
- #390 | #391 | #392 | #393
As always feel confortable to ask if you need me to work on more variations Tony.
Your suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
You are one of two finalists we are considering. We are pretty close, but need some minor tweaks. Can you try and make the shape of the leaf closer to that of the first ranked logo? We're also thinking one color either all blue or all grey might look better.
Thank you,
Hope you´re having a good weekend.
Please check revisions done for your appreciation and let me know what do you think:
1 - #311 | #312
2 - #313 - with a slightly more detail in leaf
As always if you need anything else feel free to ask please.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Hope you´re having a good day.
Thanks for the feedback. I´m glad you like the revisions.
Please check variations done for your appreciation and let me know what do you think:
- #215 | #216
Feel confortable to ask if you need me to work on more revisions sycamoredg.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Sorry for the late upload of revisions. I had to make extra hours at work, only arrive now home. I´ve still had time to submit a few variations for your appreciation before go to sleep.
Please check revisions for your review and let me know what do you think:
- #194 | #195 | #196 | #197 | #198 | #199 | #200 | #201 | #202 | #203 | #204 | #205 | #206 | #207
As always feel free to ask if you need me to work on more variations. I will leave you my timezone bellow in case you need to check:
- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/portugal/porto
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Thanks for the feedback.
Just a quick update because i will be at work in the next hours, but as soon i arrive home i will submit that revision for your consideration.
With those changings you mean changing the leaf orientation and drawing some refine lines for the leaf structure right?
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
And thanks for the quick update.
I understaind what do you mean, but it´s all gray. The thing is, the preview on the website is not the best, so if you download this image in low resolution and zoom it will look like it has green on the outersquare.
But i´m seem it on my vector software, with perfect resolution and it´s a pure rich gray color, i´m using Pantone 431 C also:
I´ve uploaded the image bigger so you can appreciate better.
As always feel free to ask if you need anything else.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Thanks for the feedback.
Please check revision done for your appreciation and let me know your thoughts about them.
Anything else you may need feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Can you try changing the green logo to a dark blue or a silver?
Also, maybe try a silver logo, dark blue "sycamore" and a silver "delevopment group"
I´m glad you like my logo concept.
If you need changes feel free to ask please.
Your feedback is always welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,