Hi there! Thanks again for your awesome submission. We only have one last prayer to you. If you can include a couple of specfic landmarks for copenhagen in the skyline (we dont recognize any of the towers)
I have some links for them; the marble church;
http://www.marmorkirken.dk/ the round tower of copenhagen;
http://www.rundetaarn.dk/ the church of our savour;
http://www.vorfrelserskirke.dk/ and the town hall tower;
http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B8benhavns_R%C3%A5dhusI am really sorry to keep making corrections, but we really love your design, and would of course like to be as perfect as possible. :) as we will use it for many yeras. you will be the winner of course.
One last thing; can you try to do them in a dusty navy blue? I know we can change that our selves but I had some reguests to see it like that:)