What I do like: - echoing the 'm' shape to evoke waves, motion - the integration of a swimming figure into the logo is interesting
What I do NOT like: - the stick-figure swimmer is too crude, I like simple, but more elegant/refined - don't like that 'i' in swim is dotted, but the 'i' in topia is not. - The 'S' styling is not consistent with the rest of type styling - styling of the 'w' - type-styling is a little too 'flimsy', not substantial enough - the blue/gold color scheme is over-used, would like something bolder
Overall - this design is too literal -- I want to convey more than just the idea of 'swimming'
- I like the type styling better - I like the color choice better - The wave/sun flourish above the wordmark does not feel integrated with or consistent with the rest of the logo (I liked better how it was integrated in #1)
I like the #5 type styling the best so far. Including the subtle wave in the gloss on Swim. I feel like the 'topia' part of the name is diminished somewhat, would like it to be more prominent. In a world of swimming-related products and services, it's the "topia" part of the name that has to stand out and be memorable.
An idea: what if the 't' in #5 were a pool umbrella? That would bring more focus to the 'topia' part of the name and the umbrella would be a symbol consistent with the brand. Another idea would be the 't' as a palm tree.
I like the palm tree, but feel it should be more abstract than currently represented. The palm tree seems a bit too bent.
I liked the brighter green more.
In the current font face, the 'a' somewhat resembles a 'c' leading to a misread of the name as 'Swimtopic' at first glance. Would like a font with a more defined 'a' character. Otherwise, I like the weight and curviness of the font.
With the reflection and gradients and palm tree illustration my reaction is that the logo is becoming too busy. I would want to pull back from here, not add more bells and whistles.
Thanks -- I'm glad to see another variation. I like the abstractness of the design here. I do not like the font selection however. I much preferred the previous font, I just didn't like the form for the 'a' character. The tan color for topia is interesting. I'll need to think bout that some.
re: #79 the type styling is interesting and creative and I generally like the design, I just don't feel it's a good fit for the brand. The icon element is also interesting, but is too reminiscent of a "hurricane" symbol in my opinion.
re: #77 #78 -- at first glance the blue looked like a splotch of paint not like a splash, which is I believe the effect you're going for?
re #79 - we like the iconic shape and that it integrates the concept of energy. We do not like that is resembles a 'hurricane' symbol. We have decided that the font styling in #79, while interesting/creative, is not right for this brand.
re #113 and #114 concerned these too closely resembles concepts submitted previously by bentos
re #34 - like the integration of the palm symbol into the logo, just really do not like the font selection
We liked previous designs that used different colors for the Swim and Topia parts of the word mark
re: #189 - generally like the concept of forming a geometric pattern from repeated 'S' shapes, but don't like that the 'S' changes directions. This is a solid idea, but is not quite there yet.
re: #190 - like the updated color, but still feel this looks too much like a Hurricane warning symbol, and the font selection is too busy.