Swearingen familyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Swearingen family

Swearingen family has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 232 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We are a family of five living in Austin, Texas.
Color Preferences
Red (mom)
Green (me, dad)
Blue (12 year old girl)
Purple (9 year old girl)
Yellow (8 year old boy)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our family website (I know, it's terrible) is www.swearingens.com

I would like our logo to include the word Swearingen and have our 5 family member represented with acorns. The logo needs to be simple enough to work in a small black and white format, on an envelope return address for example.


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Entry Number


















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1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next >


Logo Designer
Wow, cool idea to do this for your family. I'll try to think of something neat.
15 years ago
Hey, thanks. I'm glad to get some entries already. Simple is definitely better, the logo needs to work on something as small as an address label. Please keep the ideas coming in and I'll try to check in regularly.
15 years ago
Great entries, everyone. Some things I've learned by reviewing your ideas:

For font, I don't like the text to be overly "scripty" font, like handwriting. I do like the "Swearingen" to be more of a print font, but not anything too common. I like the font in #7, or something like that.

Since Swearingen is such a long name, it probably makes sense to have it on the top line and a smaller "family" below it, like in #9

For the concept of 5 of us, I like the concept of us being together and/or growing together, like #8 or perhaps like leaves on a tree?

It's OK for the kids representation to be smaller than the parents representation, but I don't my representation to be in front with everyone behind me.

Keep up the great work, thanks!

15 years ago
Just had an idea while riding my bike... I'd like to see 5 acorns representing the family members and a tree or branch representing Swearingen. Anybody up for putting together a try at that? Thanks!
15 years ago
Hello and happy Monday to everyone.

Thanks for all the entries, they are helping me understand what I really want. Here are my thoughts:

I like icons that are very, very simple. I don't like shading, details, shadows, etc. Great examples of the type of simplicity I want are entries 7, 8, 24, 5 and 29.

I'd really like to see the 5 acorn concept with very simple icons for acorns. Here are links to a couple of examples of acorns I like:



If someone can figure out a way to incorporate a very simple tree to wrap the whole thing together, that would be really cool. I was thinking a line-art tree that met the same criteria for simplicity, perhaps just a single line drawn around the acorns.

Most of the entries submitted have been in landscape format, I am not against something that is more square or portrait.

It may be helpful to not include the word "family" in the logo.

I hope this feedback is helpful, the guide said to post as much information as possible.

I look forward to seeing your entry, thanks!

15 years ago
Hey, great entries, thanks! I took the risk of showing the logos to the wife and kids last night. They like the acorn concept (I told them we were a little nuts.)

I'm still open to other adaptations of the acorn/tree concept, including going vertical with the tree. This may look terrible, I don't know. I'd like to see the acorns as simple as possible, so they'll print well in small sizes. The simple icons of #24 are a good reference (not birds, though, acorns). #64 would be better without the shadow on the acorns, I think they need to be solidly filled.

Thanks, everyone!
15 years ago
More great entries, I'm very impressed with what we're getting. I may be slow to respond for the next couple of days, but gave the latest entries rankings.

I don't like the heavy balloon fonts, please use a font like the one in #90. While I've been asking for acorns, I really like the artistry in both #90 and #84. Very nice. I'm leaving #70 in the top slot for now, but I'd like it better with a thinner font. Thank you to everyone for their submissions.

15 years ago
Sorry, one more note. I just realized that I could leave individual comments to the artists. I'll try to do a better job of this, rather than leaving generic feedback for everyone. First time customer. Thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
wow - I just spent a little over an hour and got a Not Interested in less than five minutes after I posted. :(
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello J Swearingen, would it be possible for you to rank as many designs as possible? Most designer wont bother to enter if they see only one designer ranked because they feel they wont have a chance. We also gain points based on where we are ranked the the end of the contest and msot designers will feel very hard done by that everyone except the winning designer gets nothing from being in the "not interested" pile.

Please see here for more details:
15 years ago
Sorry for the helter skelter rankings, I've been at an event the last couple of days and just didn't have time to commit to this process. I did a very quick purge of several very good entries, please do not feel insulted by this. I was not aware of my ability to extend the contest & have done so for 5 days. Can someone tell me how the designers get paid? Do I help you by leaving your designs ranked, even if you're not #1 (or2)? Again, sorry for the less than thoughtful rankings, I appreciate everyone's efforts.
15 years ago
I read the link about the point rankings and will make sure to consider that when reshuffling. Thanks.
15 years ago
Hello & thank you everyone for the new entries. One of the things that's causing me to be "not interested" in many really cool designs is the complexity of them. When reviewing the logos, I'm printing them in three different sizes, ranging from 4" across (what you'd put on a beach towel monogram) to less than 1" across (what you'd put on a golf ball or a return address of an envelope). For example, I really like the new entry #185, but am concerned that the detail on the faces will be too much in the smaller use of the logo.

I continue to be amazed and impressed with the quantity and quality of the logos offered, thank you. Now that I understand how the final rankings affect your points, I will make sure to build final rankings that do not list multiple entries with only slight variations.


15 years ago
Hello again.

As much as I appreciate the new approaches to the logo, I'd like to encourage any new entries to stay with the acorn concept. Since the acorn concept was my idea, do not feel as if you are copying any other artist's work. Thank you.

15 years ago
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