This is one of the best overall so far. I would like to see this same concept with different fonts and different colors. The slogan would also help this logo.
Thank you for your feedback, much appreciate for it. Here is my newest update. Next, I'll always try to follow up every review you give as soon as possible. Thank you.
Looks good. Slogan is a bit small. Font is OK, but I would like to see different looks. Color is too green, maybe another color in there to help. Also, try Energy in all capital letters and the other 2 words in lower case.
Entry #80 is great, but I would like to see some different fonts. Colors are fine. Try the font set up from #39, with the same format as #80. I also like the font setup from entry #95. I think we are close.
Out of Topic... Just to celebrate my lucky of get award number combination as 14:14:14 and 455(compressed to be 14 as well) I decide to change my name as Lucky14. Can you see? I can make my avatar from L and 14 combination easily... Don't be worry... you still can called me deandesign :)
208 is great. We love the $ sign and the colors. I also like the line between the words and the logo. Nice work. Try making the slogan a bit bigger so it spread out along the entire length of words above them. The lines around the slogan look great. Would there be too many lines we kept those lines and the line btween the logo and the words?
I want to be able to use the logo on the front and back of the business cards so, I would like to see how this would look with a dark background as well. (Blue color like the #5 ranked entry.)
New update based on your request. I try to blocking the slogan instead of giving lines around that may cause the logo losing its visual flow and being crowded when combine with gutter line between symbol and the words. Hope you like it. Thank you.
#250 is the best so far. I extended the contest so I could see what this lookls like with the $ sign and the window having their colors switched. Blue window, green dollar sign.
Also, I love the font and the size for the slogan, but the grey gets a bit washed out, so try a slightly darker font.
Thank you for chosen me as a winner. I am very appreciate it very much. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at for more services you can get for free related with logo adjustment for further using. I may provide you any other formats as well, whenever you needed.