Hey! Thank you for continuing to submit. Here are a few suggestions:
-Can we try Proxima Nova font for the text, and bolding "Sustaina" so its distinct from Ville. Also try out some different color combos.
-Can you maybe drop the water and the plug and try simplifying your cityscape so it fits the width of the text without remaining too vertically high? I'll draw a line where we need the design height to be limited to.
this is interesting. I like the simplicity. Can you see about bring the buildings in the back down a bit... maybe 6 stories and the homes to be more like the triple deckers in the link below. Also, can you show a plug coming out of the buildings suggesting that they are power by electricity? THanks! https://www.antiquehomesmagazine.com/reading-room/q-triple-decker-new-england-icon/
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-Can we try Proxima Nova font for the text, and bolding "Sustaina" so its distinct from Ville. Also try out some different color combos.
-Can you maybe drop the water and the plug and try simplifying your cityscape so it fits the width of the text without remaining too vertically high? I'll draw a line where we need the design height to be limited to.