Entry number 2 is my favorite among the early returns. You've captured the essence of nature in the stylistic, interwoven forms that symbolize leaves of a plant...at least that's how it appears to me. The colors are nature's , and they work well with the strong, bold type. I'm surprised that I don't mind the "INC" in all caps. I guess the light typeface really subdues it. Finally, with the leaves pointing left and the slight italic text leaning right you've created an interesting dynamic pulling in opposite directions that literally plants the logo firmly inits place. Really well done. Thank you.
I'm REALLY happy to see that you've interpreted everything as I would have explained it... sometimes I give the inspiration for a concept, sometimes I just let it ride to see what the CH will take it as - I figure if I can communicate via the design/symbolism rather than explaining things then I've created a logo that does what its supposed to do...
Just let me know if you guys would like to see any further revisions, I'll probably throw some up regardless but any direction helps, thanks again for your time...
I'm sorry that I haven't been around to give you the feedback you needed, and I appreciate the extra effort you've made despite my failure. I've decided on your design number 2 which is my current favorite, and I understand I can ask for specific changes on my leading choice so here goes. I like the little bit of shadow under the leaf design as you show in number 52. I also prefer how you included the word "INC" in light type in my chosen logo, and how all the other words carry the same weight. I'm not sure it's my favorite typeface, but if I had to decide today I'd go with it as is.
Here's another question, and I don't know if I'm allowed to ask. I like the stacked design (number 52) as an alternate and I also like the solid black alternative (number 55) except with the light grey "shadow" under the leaf.
To sum up, I like number 2 best, but please add the grey shadow. Then I'd like to know if I can have a stacked version and black and white alternatives of each. Who do I ask?
Hello Hank, here are the revisions as requested... light shadow underneath & a some new looks at the typeface as well... We can work out the additional formats/variations once we get the typeface worked out... these would need to be delivered separately anyways ;) Thanks again, talk with you soon...