I very much like the light-bulb image (like "idea") mixed with the natural/plant image.
I would like to see ideas using the idea of a string of lightbulbs--showing a string of them would get at the "systems"/interdependent approach that we use. And would also be whimsical. Maybe a string of lightbulbs over the letters? Still incorporating the natural part--if the lightbulbs were connected with a vine, instead of a string? or something like that....
I liked the first image because you conveyed whimsy, while at the same time still having a clean image. I do like the lightbulbs strung together. But maybe in a way that keeps the image clean, without leaves, etc.
The letters of "Creativity" are hard to read. Possible to make them darker, bigger, or somehow more immediately visible?
Thanks for your good work. Off to bed now, but will check again in the morning.
I like the look on a black background, and have ranked #20 high, but I'm not sure how I'd use it--this is going on letterhead, on a website, etc. I don't want my whole website's front page to be black. Are you suggesting that the image would always be in a black box? Or...help me understand what you mean...just not sure how I'd use it. Still leaning toward white background because I know how I'd be able to use it.
I like the image in #23, but it's a little TOO energetic! I want to convey energy and inspiration, but the amount that can be sustained over the long-haul.
I'm still thinking about a string of black light-bulbs (in the style you've designed, with the leaf), if you're willing to play with that concept. Here are two ideas, both using a string of light-bulbs instead of the "swoosh" along the bottom.
1) A string of lightbulbs at the same angle as the swoosh is, currently, but appearing to go from the foreground into the background (getting smaller as it moves left to right). The idea would be to suggest the passage of time--that creativity will be sustained over time, not only in one burst, but as a matter of ongoing practice.
2) Instead of a swoosh at the bottom, a string of light-bulbs that hang in a way that suggests a smile. Not a silly smile, but a confident one.
I think the string-of-lightbulbs idea isn't working for me, so I'll let it go--was seeming too complicated an image, all of a sudden. Thank you for trying to incorporate it.
The black background, I fear, is too menacing looking. But what I DO like is that the image in #36, with the ring around the image, looks like a super-hero insignia. I'd welcome anything to slightly develop the "super-hero" concept in the image. It supports the confidence that our clients feel, and the playfulness of the image.
Thank you for the updates. I think I wasn't clear. I'm not going to go with anything with a black background--I don't think it works for my clients. And I like the lettering as it is in #19 just as it is, so I'm not looking for different fonts.
You've done a lot of updates, and I think I'm asking too much before the contest has ended, so I appreciate all you've done. Great work. Thank you. Less than a day left before the contest closes.
Hm. In #19, I liked the relationship of the letters in "Creativity" to the letters in "Sustainability," and I liked the green swoosh under 'Creativity." Any way to have the slogan AND those previous qualities, too?
Also, please don't accent the word "with." I'd like the three words to have equal emphasis.
Also, I'm thinking about the rays. They're nice, but I'm not sure if it makes the image too busy, when what's so nice about it is its simplicity and elegance. I'd welcome different versions of rays, to see how they looked.
Thank you for all you've done. You're really a fantastic designer.