I'm wondering if you could show lines between the "leaves" in the trees--like thin branches. Systems thinking shows the connections between things, to show how they're interrelated, so it would be a good illustration.
I'm curious about possibilities with the lettering. To make it playful without being silly or whimsical--sort of a subtle, restrained playfulness. For instance, the look of an old typewriter lettering. Or if one letter in the lettering were slightly different somehow. Or if the lettering were somehow incorporated into the image. I'm not sure. Just wondering if there's anything to give just a dash of spice--not too much--to the lettering.
Hello. Thank you very much for your ranking. I've just submitted two new entries #61 and #62 following your indications. Please, let me know if you like them.
One possibility is the maroon and saffron combination, like in the Dalai Lama's apparel. But there may be others that work, too. Trying for a more assertive brand, with just a little more "pop," than the light blue suggests.
I'm trying to think about how to keep the image simple and uncluttered, while at the same time developing the concept in it. So, here's an idea. Is there any very subtle way to show that the lettering and tree image are both receiving sunlight? Just a slight sign of it?
Also, wondering if there's anything to be done with the line that runs into the "C" in "creativity." Maybe not--it may be that changing it would make the image too busy. But I wonder if the line could: 1) show up an upward swing, like a sloping hill 2) have a little dip, almost like a smile 3) have nodes along the line, as if a sequence of events along a timeline
Also, wondering about developing the tree image a little--and, again, this may make it too complicated an image. But wondering about roots. In systems thinking, we look at the influence of families, and we do that by looking at "genograms," which are like "family trees." So, I'm wondering about the idea of roots of the tree suggesting a family tree just slightly, echoing the leaves in the tree a little--showing that the leaves have their origins in the roots (just as an individual's behavior has its roots in his/her family's behavior).
This may all too much to ask in the last couple of hours of the contest, so if it's too much to ask, my apologies. Just letting you know where my mind is.
Thank you for the images with the different lines. As it turns out, I like that original straight line best--the lettering and the "leaves" create enough motion in the image, so it's good to have the straight line to provide some order.
Is it possible to include the motto, "Serve with Verve," in the image? Not sure where it would go, and don't want to overly complicate such an elegant, simple image, but if you can find a way to do it, I'd appreciate it.