Entire sign and all media are up for change. Sign actually got hit by hail storm so gives us a chance to start with a clean slate. Loved looking through your profile. Hope to give more feed back tomorrow morning after a meeting. I can tell you that hearts are not gonna fit in our business, #32's S is to frilly, and I like #30 but not for this business. Thanks for the entries.
Are you looking for something more generic on a "word mark" then? You didn't indicate that you wanted any emblem or pictorial. If you see anything in my portfolio that you like the style let me know it will help me go in the right direction
We are torn between two Ideas: a big S at first and than a cursive/stylish usan, and having a simple easy to read from the road sign. We keep going back and forth. Yeah I know that really helps;) haha Maybe something like your April Butler photography. We do like the S to be bigger on the bottom or proportional to top as well(unlike #34). I Like your Flavor designs but they are too modern for us. Our waitstaff wears black slackes and white button down shirts with ties, but we have a loud friendly restaurant. We serve breakfast 6-2pm and close at 2pm, burgers, pot roast, have the regular coffee drinkers everyday, but also are packed everyday with people eating chicken fried steaks, bacon and eggs, club sandwiches, and salmon salads. dont know if this helps:/ I'm rambling so I will stop now.
We don't need any emblem or pictorial. I guess our overall goal is to get a wordmark, so we can have some consistency with all our print, but we have felt we can pull the Susan's out of the designs so far for that. Does that make any since?
Like your stuff. with #103 can you show us what it would look like without "Home of worlds famous breakfast," and also a version in black and white only.
Sure I am delayed today. Switching ISP today . Internet for my computer is out. Hope this isn't a problem. Will check for your messages from phone and prepare the file for when internet is on. If needed quickly I can always go somewhere with wifi will check back mid afternoon. Hopefully interdnet will be on soon. Thank you! Will get this to you asap
Sounds good. thanks for checking in. We also have the tag line "Internationally Famous Here Locally" instead of the "home of famous..." if you have time to work this version in.
Now its time to get down to it. Can you put the S from #147 onto #103 and #100 and make the red a slightly darker red/burgandy on each. Feel free to darken the green if appropriate. Can you make a version of the new #103 with only Susan's in color, everything else black. Feel free to show any other ideas that I have not mentioned.
Weird request, Is there possibly a bold version you can make of the Susan's? Something that might embroider easier or stand out better when printed small? if this isn't possible, doesn't work well, or is asking to much just let me know.
Hi, I am just now getting on this and it's late...but will work on it some tonight and have them all uploaded to you in the morning if not tonight.
Not a weird request at all...the embroidery will be more visible...but this depends on the color fabric. Also on the smaller type it may not work well depending on thread count on the stitching. If you need help with suggestions let me know.
#152 #157 are bolder for embroidery. But it is most likely that embroidery will hold up on the type that is not bold. The treading and stitching are really wonderful since they are done digitally now. You could always ask for a sample before your order.
I gave you these with the deeper green to go along with the deeper burgundy and one more with the colors inverted with an outline as a possibility. But all the variations you would get.
I will check back in the morning for your comments, Thank you!
Also note the position of each line is different from the one in the oval. Any adjustments may be made as well as in the spacing/kerning between each letter if needed
We are in a holding pattern, they have the sign guys scaling the graphics to our sign to get a feel for how it would work. As for now everything is good untill we hear otherwise. How does your schedule look the rest of the week. Any days you know you might be out of pocket in case anything comes up?
Tomorrow I will be out all day teaching from 9am to about 6pm ...but will check in with you before I leave and then can work in the evening when I return. and then the same on Friday from 9am to about 6pm But Saturday I can be available all day off and on.
Today, I am available through this evening until late if you need me to work on anything for you.
Just as I'm signing off..sometimes things at a glance are more visible....to bring to you attention...do you want 'usan's' visibly bold letters as your initial 'S'? I can easily do that for you. Sometimes the Initial is a little bolder.
Can you go ahead a make two revisions that would fit a little better in a square? Base both revisions off of #155, one with all the text and the other without "Home of world famous breakfast"
I put a square around the layout so you could see what it would look like.
A border can be part of the design to hold it visually all together. I thought of a reversed but when I tried it, it was too background 'heavy' and distracted from your name. Your name in the deep burgundy you can't go wrong because those driving by will see your name first and the next second will reach at a glance 'world's famous breakfast' which is important for memory retention.
I bolded 'usan's' so you could compare. The arrangement of the layout I changed to accommodate the square and keep it in balance.
I will be here for a few hours watching for your notes
Just a reminder, I will be away teaching all day....and was thinking after looking at these last entries...another possibility would be to keep your name and tag lines as they were and not condensed but it would cause more white space...but will try this for you when I return this evening if you would like to see that also.
forgot to ask to take the "s" off of Worlds. We are interested in 155, 100, 157, 154, 147, 160, 159, 158. Dont know what else to say. This is our first contest.
I will upload your logo files for EPS and JPG for the one you selected #155 within the hour into your LT account for you to approve. Then all the other layouts I will send to you via email and also make any other adjustments that you may need.
I uploaded the EPS and JPG format files into you LT account for your approval. EPS is a vector file for your professional printer the JPEG is identical to the EPS
I will email you now. My email is beefreenaturals@yahoo.com