Thinking back to Surfer magazine (and RayGun), something a bit gritty but not grungy, smooth with a pinch of punk. Lords of Dogtown meets Quicksilver. To get a mid-20s hipster to don a shirt with your logo is a challenge: it's either got to be slightly counter-culture, retro or camp. This logo was inspired by party flyers that get xeroxed over and over.
Ok I like the thoughts. I may need a little more sharper, not so much xeroxed, but the graphic works.... Actually what attracted me to you was the Apollo logo you have in your profile.... Could something like that work? Or am I way off? Maybe even something along the lines of your icon. Just searching, thanks!
Thank you for your feedback… Here's another direction: Classic with contemporary style. A memorable 'S' mark constructed from the fins of two boards.
Really like this new look of #278. Great job. Anyway to see it without the background, the blues which are of interest to me. What it would look like with black background and only white.... or any other silhouette?