Mixed reactions on the Obama similarities :)….#47 has a nice clean blue…could you maybe swap the orange for red and eliminate the space between sun and florida (maybe make them different colors? It's a weird name someone came up with over 30 years ago, but we're stuck with SunFlorida now!
This is going to sound bizarre….but could you get a chicken/rooster on that roof? (The town where we are located is famous for free-roaming chickens). And maybe the roof could have a bit more overhang? In Florida, it rains often, so homes tend to have bigger eaves than up north
(And the rooster could be on the ground too - anywhere really). I like the text of #80 best and the orange and light blue - but if the orange could be brighter….not quite red, but close, that'd be awesome. The Obama thing may work though….just concerned that it might turn off people with different politics :)