Can't quite decide if the hurricane/sun is super awesome or super freaky :) Would it work with the swirl going all the way around? Maybe in gold and blue? (or something on a dark background? We're pretty set on doing a dark background). And a bit clearer/cleaner font. This one is a bit round…or girly…or something.
Please take a look at my recent entries. On #75, # 76 & #77, I had the swirl go all the way around to complete the shape of a full sun. On #78, I preserved the original shape from #74, but turned the sun icon a bit to make the "S" more evident.
#75 is pretty solid…it's the perfect cross between the sun and a hurricane and sort of embodies exactly what a real estate transaction is :) Could you try that on a blue background? I've got a thing for primary colors and love the idea of red being in there instead of orange….
#84…like a ninja!! Maybe scoot the top half over? It's heading toward super funky with that twist, but a half-burst hurricane ninja sun….that's a logo makeover if ever there was one! (And a 5 year old who was just visiting the office is super cooled out by this design).