The concept in #28 is an upward arrow in the mountain range signifying growth in pension and benefits and the river in the mountain scene is an "S" for Summit. Please let me know if you want to see any changes.
The circle is supposed to be the sun representing something that rises. I submitted it with and without the sun in #36 and #37 respectively. Let me know if you want to see anything else.
Boy you snuck that one in there ;) . We love #119, but would like to see the text with Summit as the main word, Benefit Solutions below, as well as Summit as the main word, Benefit Solutions, Inc. below.
I love #125, but we (everyone else other than me ;) ) would like to see #126 with the lines like #125 has, and kern the letters in summit back a little closer. I don't think it will work, so what i would also like to see is to use #126, kern summit back a little, and add the lines on either side of SUMMIT.