What We Do
Buy,sell, rent, build and renovate Real Estate.
We are focused on delivering business results, inter-office dealings, pre-market dealings, bringing in new business and retaining existing clients.
Color Preferences
White, red, dark gray (as font color only)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
What we're selecting based on...
(1) Typography - this is key: Without great typography, the graphic is lost. Weight, balance, kerning and those little details in your font selection (or original font creation) don't miss our attention.
(2) Balance - there needs to be a flow between the graphic elements and the typography.
(3) Color - a balance between red, white and light grey. Light colors will not stand out as much as stable, commanding color choices.
(4) Definition of the abstract - If there is an abstract artform in the logo or within the typography, I should be able to explain it's relations to real estate.