I'm liking this one a lot. Can you ad the website across the bottom? www.stunningkitchenandbath.com You might check the theme of the website to get more style ideas....
This is the best so far. My wife and I agreed the blue is prettier, but the yellow stands out more and seems more regal... if you want to play with this one some that's okay - but I'm not sure what else would really be needed. I have some friends commenting on Facebook to see if they have any ideas. I like that you tried that "tattered" look - it kind of breaks it up a little and seems more modern, but I'm in San Diego and for the most part we deal with more conservative homeowners. Something that might be interesting might be a San Diego reference? We build all our cabinets locally and most people that live here love it here - so something San Diego might be cool. Just a thought if you felt like doing a little tweaking. But so far the one I have in the #1 spot is the one.
The only symbol I can think of to represent San Diego is the Charges... but that wouldn't fit. Any other symbols? Is there a flower that could represent the area? I could maybe add that to the table. Thanks! Kib
Maybe blue on one side, gold on the other with the black background. Maybe divided by a lightning bolt??? (At what point do the Chargers sue me - lol). I was good with the earth tone but thinking Chargers - and this community does - the dark blue and light gold (or yellow) might be interesting...
#66 & #67 - changed to blue & yellow #67 added small border. #68 & #69 - added the lighting bolt to represent San Diego (not the same bolt as the Charges - so no worries!) Thanks! Kib
Just curious - I haven't done anything like this before. If I choose your design can I also use a couple variations of it or do I only get the one? Looking through the websites I see a couple spots where the different layouts would fit well. Thanks.
Just curious - I haven't done anything like this before. If I choose your design can I also use a couple variations of it or do I only get the one? Looking through the websites I see a couple spots where the different layouts would fit well. Thanks.
Designers on this site will give you the variations along with the one you choose as the winner. That happens after the winning design is chosen and the contest is closed, and then designers are allowed to work with you further. A lot of designers will also work with you even after a contest ends. Thanks, Kib
in the message anout the variations - I was trying to say most designers would also offer the color variations and portrait/landscape of the winning design if asked for in the end of a contest. Thanks, Kib