#72 is our favorite of these. The font is consistent in style and color, which we like. #106 and 107 are spin offs we aren't interested in but we do like #70. The only thing about 70 is that it's pretty obvious. We see this symbol all the time in our work and it may be to common. This is not true of #72 which has a somewhat unique approach to the three colors everyone is associating with digital photography. 72 is very strong. Thanks!
I really liked your title treatment on #144 and145 for your BLUSHING CROW entries. That font and treatment of the second line is very nice. This could work for #108 but lose the reflection. Nice work you have! Thanks!
i know you think this is very simple but think the otherway...it may be simple for those who are associated with digital art....but obviously who work on digital print will not be your customer...your customers will be those who know very less or nothing about the work..........for them this is quite inetersting concept...the colour transition and the diferrent colour imerging from the intersection of three colours are quite enjoyable for them...and afterall the simplest and the obvious designs sometimes takes more intelligence and loved....
i know you think this is very simple but think the otherway...it may be simple for those who are associated with digital art....but obviously who work on digital print will not be your customer...your customers will be those who know very less or nothing about the work..........for them this is quite inetersting concept...the colour transition and the diferrent colour imerging from the intersection of three colours are quite enjoyable for them...and afterall the simplest and the obvious designs sometimes takes more intelligence and loved....