Studio IronLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Studio Iron Studio Iron has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 197 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by WYN Return to Contest Return to Contest 3rd #13 Withdrawn New #5 Withdrawn New #43 Withdrawn New #44 Withdrawn New #39 Withdrawn New #122 Withdrawn New #42 Withdrawn New #41 Withdrawn New #40 Discussion studioiron Client Like the elegance of the font#5 like the emblem but not what is in the emblem 12 years ago studioiron Client #13 like the style do not like the use of the birdGreat designs, great ideas 12 years ago studioiron Client #5 we want to tell the story of forged iron thru the emblem. 12 years ago WYN Logo Designer update alternative emblem. thank you, feedback always wellcome... 12 years ago studioiron Client #43 Would like to remove the color and the bird be a scroll design. Thank you for using color, I think we will keep it black and white.Great ideas!! 12 years ago studioiron Client #13 We really like your desin but need to get rid of the swan for something different. A swan does not represent our irowork. Would you be willing to update the Swan.thank you again for your designs 12 years ago studioiron Client #13 is still our favorite of your designs but would like a different emblem in front of the letter 12 years ago