Studio 72 Infrared SaunasLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Studio 72 Infrared Saunas
Studio 72 Infrared Saunas has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 328 designs
from 39 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Providing private (or couples) Infrared sauna experiences to
Wellness enthusiasts, fitness professionals or general public that want to gain benefits such as, injury recovery & rehabilitation, increased blood flow, releasing toxins, helping auto-immmune sufferers, helping sleep (fatigue issue), mood or skin issues, relaxation, detoxification, stress management, immune support, heart health, weight loss, burn calories, reduce cellulite, diabetes support
Wellness enthusiasts, fitness professionals or general public that want to gain benefits such as, injury recovery & rehabilitation, increased blood flow, releasing toxins, helping auto-immmune sufferers, helping sleep (fatigue issue), mood or skin issues, relaxation, detoxification, stress management, immune support, heart health, weight loss, burn calories, reduce cellulite, diabetes support
Color Preferences
terracotta pink
pastel orange/pink
sienne calcinee
red earth
book room red
pastel orange/pink
sienne calcinee
red earth
book room red
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Studio Seventy-Two Saunas (SSS) some play on the letter S maybe?? I like the idea of there being a infrared waves that also represent the letter S maybe (see pictures attached below) Studio 72 has to be the main headlline & prominent with Infrared Saunas being smaller letters or not so prominent
i like pastel colours but also a black and grey/white theme, im open to
i like pastel colours but also a black and grey/white theme, im open to