hello thanks for your feedback, i really happy to help you this is the revision #102 i hope you like it, and feel free to contact me if you need more revision and adjusment
1. with thiner font and lighter gray - font thickness between #102 and #13, gray darkness between #102 and #13 2. with the arrow being straight up to the top, and make the line part of the arrow a little bit thicker
Minor change is fine. Sorry for asking many revisions.
please see the comparison - Thicker font #102, Medium As your request #165, and thiner #13 - Dark Gray font #102 (Black 70%), Medium Gray As your request #165 (Black 65%), and Light Gray #13 (Black 60%)
i really happy to help you, so feel free to contact me with more feedback on your mind
Thanks for your quick response! I like the new version much better.
Also, can you change the font-style of #165 to more round one, such as #25, #45, or #77? (I don't know if "round" is an appropriate word for this situation, but here I mean I want the circle of "d" or "a" close to complete circle, which I feel gives more soft touch)
Actually, I like "stu" in #166 better than #176. So can you exchange "d" and "a" of #166 to those of #176, with making the line of "d" in #176 a bit shorter, as #166?