Mes - I really like the pillars and the clean lines of your work. You certainly have the feel I'm looking for certainly without being too "loud". #13 Awesome - I may have to commission that for my leather embossing.
#42 - I like what you did here with the colors but I wonder if the columns from a distance (being the same size and shape as the letters) appear to be "i". LOL that could be a problem because the STROVINK is odd looking/sounding anyway!
Mes - I continue to get first place votes for you. Someone wondered what #18 and #57 would look with the scales of justice in place of the squiggly lines. If you could upload that it would be great.
Here it is with the scales of justice. I can make the scales bigger but I didn't want it to overpower the rest of the logo or seem too top heavy. What are your thoughts?