I like the concept of Entry 40. I'd like to see 2 different colors used though for the type and the background. The type and the background just seem to blend together.
Entry #67, when logo was straightened, the red circle seems to dwarf the S in the word strikers. Also with the Z larger at the end, it's reminding me of the #2, which I don't want. Can we either change the font so that doesn't happen or make the z smaller. Also would like to see the type in white.
Entry #55, I like the idea of a multi-colored background, but if that's done, I think the type needs to be in white ... Also, Entertainment Center is hard to read.
#135, Again, I like your concept and have placed this in my top ten. I'd like to some changes: make the Z regular size the Z has a tendency to look like a 2. Bolder colors. Less circles, or smaller accent circles.