I like the SWP logo in #21. But can you swap the blue and the green colors on the circles. and also can you do a version with just the Strategic Wealth Planning as in #7. Then do a version like #21. Thanks
this is going in the right direction! On #22 can you swap the colors on the logo and show the strategic wealth planning in blue or blue and green. thanks
#34 & #49 look great. Can you add one more of #49 with the colors in the circle swapped. So it is just like #34. Keep the colors the same on the Strategic Wealth Planning. Thanks!
Here is my updates. May be I've made a little change of the color gradient. It's just to make it looks more elegance. If you don't like it, you can give me feedback, and I will turn back with the color like your request. Thank you.
#59: Few changes we are trying to decide between: Can you move the logo to the top centered above the Strategic Wealth Planning #59: Also can you do a version with the Strategic Wealth Planning in all blue.