Here is my first entry for your project. The main concept here is a simple and fun yet professional design that uses a stylized letter 'S' to depict a dollar sign to represent money/finance.
This design worsk great in color and in black & white. It also scales pretty well.
Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks and have a nice day!
RE: #17 - very nice AND would love if it were even a bit more quirky. I truly AM waiting for what I want to see emerge. However I do know that #17 is nice and I'd love to see it even more "ultra professional with just a slight touch of irreverence." And accidental graphic element that has a double meaning, etc.
RE: #17 blueii - how about if you had a T on the bottom of the S instead of the protruding point. with the top of the T running very close parallel to the base of the S and the protruding point being about the same length - Make it incorporate the T for training.