Please keep the text coloring the same as in #1. Add a starburst effect around the center of the text or withing the logo design in the color of yellow. Add more light green to the logo design.
I like #86 with the starburst. Please move the starburt to the center of the logo picture. Is there a way to make it shine or glimmer like a diamond and more pronounced?
Please make a starburst on each of the tops on letter a #11. Or connect the two letter a's with one larger star. The yellow background in #88 is too much.
Can you also have a star coming out of the center of logo picture #11 like the glimmer from a diamond?
Here's a two more versions with the starburst centered behind the icon. FYI, if I win this contest I will also provide files without the starburst effect. Thanks
Please change #106 with centering the Consulting LLC under Stratadigm. I'm sorry for not seeing #106 with the starburst coming out of the center. This is what I was requesting.
Also for #116 change the Consulting LLC with the same color used as in Stratadigm #118 Stratadigm.
Another question. Will logo #119 print fine with the glimmer in the center? In other words will it be printable on a business card. I don't want people to ask why there is something blurry in the center when they look at the logo.
Sorry, I am not much of an expert on printing so I can't really say for sure how the starburst gradients will look printed but I think most modern printers can handle gradients like these. I will also provide files without the starburst effect.