#12, #13, #14 are along the lines of what we are looking for but we would prefer a "text only" logo, with no stand alone images or symbols. We were thinking that any symbolized shape could be incorporated into the wording. I will discuss #12 further with colleagues as this encompasses the general feeling of what we are aiming for.
Have converted the "waves" to dot style painting as requested. Dots are in varying sizes to keep the fluid, organic dynamic of the mark. Surprisingly, this has also made the image subtly appear as rows of tents, which was my initial intent with the original wavy lines.
#25 Hi Lawrie, we understand the concept, and we thought it would be a good idea to do the dots, but the dots look like little ant tracks. Sorry to make you do that - it looks a bit silly now that we look at it. That's why you are the designer and not us.