#184 - WOW, what an entry. I really don't have any suggestions other than I might want to see the wreath a little bit bolder. I love that you've departed from the more standard silver colors...it certainly sets you apart. I really like this a lot, but could I see it in silver? I may or may not like it better.
How about a Christian cross or a Maltese cross where the star currently sits?
This is great, I can't wait to see what else you can come up with.
#198 - These are beautiful. I would like to see this one with the wreath moved below the "shield" as in your original entry. Make the entire shield the silver color and the bird black. Make the cross slightly smaller and try a Maltese cross there as well. Make Stillwater Armory stand out more.
I can't tell you how beautiful these are. It reminds me of Christian kings or the Pope or something.
#205 & #206 - I love what you've done with the cross. Perfect!
Thank you for showing me this entry with black and with white backgrounds. That really helps.
I do miss the "wreath" scroll treatment across the bottom.
I like everything else about this logo.
Could I see this exact logo (#205 & #206) with wreath and with the silver bird as in #199. That will help me decide whether I like your silver bird or black bird.