Hi I have uploaded the final files, if they look good, please approve them. Also, if it's not too much trouble, there is a "leave a review" prompt at the end of the final files approval screen. If you enjoyed the process and the work, it would be great if you could leave a brief review. Thank you, and I had a lot of fun!
Thank you for submitting the alternatives. We ultimately went with the gradient option because we'll be using the logo a lot with multi-media and in our videos. So, we decided that quality would be best for that format. I appreciate the flat color options!
Hello, thank you for the feedback. Have you seen my entry #200? That one is in regular non gradient colours. I will also work on more colours for you shortly.
I love this imagery and the deep colors. I am however concerned with the gradient and wonder if the colors will transfer well to various applications. Is it possible to provide a version that uses standard colors so we can ensure portability to web, ppt pitches, print applications and also if we end up having this embroidered or printed on clothing?
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