I'm sorry no. here is a few other ways ill try to explain it. Can the background be one color and extend below the word Designs? I would like the background splat looking thing to extend past all the lettering a little bit. In number 60 the word Designs has a colored border on instead of a boarder if the background came down a bit...
I'm sorry no. here is a few other ways ill try to explain it. Can the background be one color and extend below the word Designs? I would like the background splat looking thing to extend past all the lettering a little bit. In number 60 the word Designs has a colored border on instead of a boarder if the background came down a bit...
ok i think I got a winner can you try one last thing now that you know what i am looking for. everything i am looking for is in #122 can you make one so i can see the difference with no slat looking things under designs. like #70 i want the gold to go around the letter just not drip. if that makes sense. i would like to compare the two.