Love the colors and movement in this! Afraid it may be a bit hard to read. Any ideas about how to make the font more legible, while maintaining the fun and integrity of the design? Also lettering may need to be a darker color- maybe a rich blue or even black? I'm open to suggestion. Haven't ruled this out...I think its the most original submission I've gotten! I appreciate your input. Thank you for your participation!
thank you for you kind remarks! I've uploaded a much simplier design in #42 and #43. I added some berries and other plants to add variety. Hope you like it!
Hello again! I very much like your latest designs, #42 & 43. These are still, by far, more original than other designs I've seen! Really like this lettering and the flower details are lovely. Its a tough call between the two. I think I prefer #43. Would like to see it with "floral design" and the berry detail in the same purple color used in the flowers of #42. Also perhaps different color for "stems"- maybe royal blue. Bright yellow, for more contrast, where the spikes come up around the rose. Can the spikes have a very thin outline to help the yellow pop more against the colors of the rose? So much movement and elegance in your submission! My choice is going to be very difficult! I want more than one! LOL! :)
Thanks for your feedback and rating. i really appreciate it. I've uploaded #87 for your review. Let me know if the thin orange outline on the bright yellow spikes are ok.
Love the changes in #87... the blue lettering is beautiful and really pops! I do like the orange outline on the yellow spikes! Thank you for your quick response.... I don't think there is anything I would want to change about it! Very exciting!
Hello there! Selecting your logo today... no big surprise there! Do the rules of the contest dictate that every detail of the design be fixed upon my choosing final artist/ design? Or will I still be able to make subtle changes with you? Outcome doesn't change my decision, just wondering... Brooke
Thinking along the lines of maybe a shade of bright lime green on the yellow spikes around the rose. I like the rose as is , but wonder how it would look if it was "slimmed down" a bit? It also has a sort of "tattoo-ish", impressionistic look to it, but the rest of the graphic is more realistic & clean. Does that make sense? I do like the gradation of color in the rose... Hot pink to yellow. Can the crossover at the bottom of the "S" stop a bit short of the "t" (instead of touching the left side)? :) I am a nut job, I know, I know! LOL!
Oh My Goodness! I DO like it! If I end the contest, are we allowed to work on more changes? Would like to see the rose go from rich pinky-red, to fushia, to orange, to bright yellow. If not possible, am still very HAPPY with what you have given me... If we are allowed to "tweak" after contest is over, fine.... But I am choosing your design... Regardless. Just wondering what contest rules allow... SOOO exicited!! Thank You for "hanging in there" with me...
I like the scale of the new rose... maybe the gradient needs more intensity.. or the lines between the rose petals need more definition? I apologize for my late questions and recent lack of participation.... One never knows when "life" will alter our best laid plans.... this is my only excuse for my recent lack of involvement!
Yes, if it just color changes, you are allowed to change it even after the contest ends. If there's a need for additional illustration work to be done, i only charge a minimal fee of $20/hour. Based on this type of logo, it would usually take just half an hour to do any changes even if it's additional illustration work. So it would only cost you between $10 to $20 for future changes. But if the revisions is really minor and if it takes me just minutes, i give it for free.
i've added the color changes that you mentioned for the roses. #122 for bright yellow, #124 for fuschia and #123 for orange and #121 for the added contrast for the current peach/red color.
#121 is great.... can you add a leaf green, medium-thin outline around spikes (their interior lime green color is perfect) . Floral design" a bit bolder... not much....
It's late here, so am going to bed.... one of my favorite times of day! LOL! Chose you as winner, so contest is over... I'll log in tomorrow and see what's up... Good nite...or Have a great day... whatever applies right now in your part of the world. :)