Thanks for your entries. I like #121 quite a bit. I'm not crazy about the hot pink though. Could you make a color change on that? I'm looking for something that will stand out well on my website - In general I don't like pastel colors. Thanks.
My apologies... For some reason the ranking page would not let me rank your new entries (#125 and #124). Instead it sucked them right into the "not interested" bin, which was not at all where I was going with them! I've been trying to move them back over but for some reason it won't let me do that either!
I like the color variation on #124 and #125 quite a lot. I'm still not sure what I think about the person. Might like to see a similar logo without the person but with stars hanging out around the logo somehow. Maybe even an exploding star - as long as it doesn't look cheesy.
Also, I really like the font in general. I love how you've designed the a in Star. However, the top of the letters in scape look like they are too flat - like they've been cut off - even though I don't think they have been.
Thanks for the try on #132 but the stars look even more cookie-cutterish to me. Just too plain. I'm looking for stars that look more dynamic (not just a plain looking 5-point star). The text fix is great though, thanks for that.
I'm talking about the shape of the star - I'm looking for stars shaped more like the ones in entry #70, #138, #135, #59 and #56. No pastel colors please. I like the addition of some color but not the pastel colors added in entry #137. Thanks for your efforts!!!