I am really liking #55 If you could try a couple things for me. Instead of the black line... if you could do black mountain silhouettes where the trails disappear behind the mountain and maybe incorporate a basic city skyline (white) in front of the mountains (skyline much smaller than mountains in height). On the color of the trails... maybe go back and forth between a light blue and a light purple. Awesome work!
Thank you for the private message. I have upload several concepts based on your update brief. Hope there is one or two concepts that go in right direction, so I can develop these raw concept to the best result.
I am really loving the direction you are going. Here are a few things to tweak a little. If you could stretch the mountains a little higher.If you could remover the grouping of buildings that are above the "Tr" of Trails (making the skyline not so wide) and then slide the skyline over a little to the right... but I do want the skyline off center to the left. On the trails... if you could go with light blue and light purple, but not in a gradient... one ring would be light blue... one light purple... mixing and it up so there is not a pattern... kinda random. I love the font you have used. Maybe try a little bigger space between the Star and Trails. If you can do those changes to #87 One last thing. After you get that one done... if you can then take it and put everything but the fonts in a "box". So there is like an icon box and then the font under it. The only difference in this one and the one I have asked you to create from the above info would be the box and... the back ground of the box would be a black and purple gradient. I am really loving your designs! Thank you!
Thank you for continuing to give attention on my drafts. I have upload several revisions with the higher mountains, narrowing the skyline, and solid colour for the trails. I will put the logo in a box, when you choose one of my latest draft revisions.
I'm really liking #132 Can you add another peak to the mountains? You have a small peak and a larger one close to the center... if you can add another smaller one to the right where the mountain range goes all the way across. Also, if you could try the white city skyline silhouette in it also. Great designs!
I am sorry, I can't develop my concept in #132 because someone report me that Idea with the box is claimed by another design. Without your help, all of my concepts will removed by admin. I didn't steal his concept because I follow your direction.
His entry is #114 vs mine #132. he commented in his report like this :
"Very similar layout, star trails in the box never mention in the contest brief"
without your help, I can't do anything, Iam new here and someone who reported me is a senior in this site.
if you leaning with his concepts, and think that I copied his concept. I will not make a complain, I will withdrawn mine. I just want this contest goes fairly.
I am sorry. If you can do everything I said above about #132... but instead of having the background the blue color... just leave it white. That way it's not in a "box". If the trails don't show up on the white... you can make them a light blue or light purple. I will try and talk to admin.
I sent admin an email saying it was my fault and you were not going to do the "box". After you make the changes above... feel free to play around with something I have not thought about.
If you can do it just like I said earlier... "Can you add another peak to the mountains? You have a small peak and a larger one close to the center... if you can add another smaller one to the right where the mountain range goes all the way across. Also, if you could try the white city skyline silhouette in it also." But instead of having the background the blue color... just leave it white. That way it's not in a "box". If the trails don't show up on the white... you can make them a light blue or light purple.
thank you so much for giving me a chance to be a winner. I have uploaded the source files to admin. If you still need further revisions or other files, please feel free to contact me at aurelizza@gmail.com.