Here is my submissions #12, #13, #14, #16. Hopefully pleased. Please feel free to contact me for any requests. And please let me know if you need any changes/modification. Thanks!
Your ideas are great!! Could I please see alternate concepts for #16 and #19 without the white bars above the SSBS letters. I would prefer the simplicity of the letters inside the circle shape without them. I would like to see the new concepts in a green/plum combo as presently shown. Could you also show them to me in a green/gold color scheme? (Same colors you used on #14). Thanks so much :)
OK, here's the updates #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47 for the revisions. Please let me know if you would like to see need any further revisions... Thank you!
I would like to see a revision to #46 please. Add the name of the company "Specialty Small Biz Services" to the right of the "SSBS" icon. Move the tagline to appear underneath "Specialty Small Biz Services" (Same exact fonts, colors, and typography arrangement as the text from #19 please.)
Dear Jennie, Here's my updates #106, #107, #108, #109 with new fonts style. Explain for #49 and #75 : just a little different on green bottom left part of the first "S" of SSBS. I made it more fix curve with the swoosh outline. :) Thanks!
CONGRATULATIONS!! #49 will be the winner with just a couple modifications please.
I like the gradient effects you have applied on this logo concept. However, I wish to alter the color scheme slightly.
Please change green to PMS 576 for darkest shade of green. (You decide what the lighter values of the green gradient should be.)
All green letters become solid PMS 576.
For the gold gradient in the arch shape, please change lightest value to PMS 124. We prefer a more mustard color as opposed to gold being presently used. (You decide what the darker values of the mustard gradient should be. Want it to still feel like it's in the mustard family.)
All gold letters should be solid PMS 124 please.
We would like to change the color for the tagline "Your Profit and Growth Experts". Please use PMS 159 orange. Please also make the horizontal lines on each side of the tagline this same PMS 159 orange. However, make the lines a little shorter so the font can enlarge a little bit on the tagline.
For the large SSBS letters, we would also like to use orange PMS 124 please. I realize you have those large letters cropped, so the orange color would stop at the cropped edge of each letter please. I trust your artistic eye in how that should be showcased.
-Instead of filling the green bars with a gradient (referring the green bars behind large SSBS letters), I would like them filled with a green texture.
-Instead of filling the mustard arch with a gradient, I would like them filled with a mustard texture.
The texture should showcase the same PMS colors as the gradients version, but the texture should mimic finely chopped spices or sand. (The texture should be created in vector format please, but appear very realistic with lots of depth like a photograph.)
I am looking at how I can attach a reference image for you to see the texture I had in mind.
Dear Jennie, Thanks for contact me again and very surprised if you still interest with my concept. After read your last feedback, I will do any revision with my works based on your direction. I will post the updates once ASAP. Thank you!
Thank you for sending the revised logo concepts. I need to clarify a few of my requests and will try to explain carefully here.
LOGO #132: - Please use solid orange 159 for the fill color of the large "SSBS" letters.
- Yes, PMS 576 green should be the main color for the bar shapes behind the SSBS letters. However, we would like to see the radial gradient to be more noticeable like it was in LOGO #49. In the current LOGO #132, it is difficult to see the radial gradient shape in the green bars.
-I want to change my direction previously given for the fill color in this shape. Right now there is too much of the darkest color showing in the gradient. I would like PMS 124 mustard to be the mid tone of this gradient, with much less of the darkest color of the gradient showing, so overall more of the PMS 124 is filling the arch shape. (OK to select a slightly lighter shade for the top of the arch shape as YES, we still want it to feel like the shape is filled with a gradient.)
-What font are you using for this logo? Could you please tell me the name. Do you provide the font when the logo is finished so I can match it for business cards and other layouts?
LOGO #134: - Please use solid orange 159 for the fill color of the large "SSBS" letters.
- Please use PMS 576 green to fill the bar shapes behind SSBS. YES, we still want a texture applied to these shapes, but need greater highlights and shadows. We also need the pattern to appear random. Please reference the image provided in the creative brief. The texture should look like randomly arranged flakes/pieces with the same degree of highlights/shadows/differences in color as shown in the photo. Please be sure texture is created in a vector format.
-Please use PMS 124 mustard to fill in the arch shape. YES, we still want a texture applied to these shapes, but need greater highlights and shadows. We also need the pattern to appear random. Please reference the image provided in the creative brief. The texture should look like randomly arranged flakes/pieces with the same degree of highlights/shadows/differences in color as shown in the photo. Please be sure texture is created in a vector format.
I greatly appreciate your careful attention to these revisions.
Will you be taking time off to celebrate Christmas? I extended the end of this contest to allow time for the Holidays.
OK Jennie, I will do make revisions on it all #132 and #134 based on your directions above... I will post once I'm done ASAP. Thanks for your great directions... Merry Christmas...
Hello rafa17: Could you please advise when I will see revised logos showcasing the edits I recently requested? I am on a very fast timeline and am hoping you can make the revisions soon. I am eager to see what I hope will be the final, winning logo. Thanks!! --Jennie
Thank you for sending these revised layouts. I have what I believe will hopefully be the final set of edits needed. I appreciate your efforts here to get this logo finalized and absolutely perfect!!
(I realize now seeing the large SSBS letters in orange 159 does not work as the color is too deep against the dark green color.)
LOGO #132: The only thing I wish to change is the arch please. Please fill arch with a gradient of orange PMS 159 please.
LOGO #134: Again, the only thing needing edited is the arch please. Please fill arch with the orange 159 texture (same texture approach as the green bar areas of this logo, but in orange.)
LOGO #139: -Please fill large SSBS letters with solid gold PMS 124. -Please fill arch with texture of PMS 159 orange, same texture approach that you are using for the green bar portions of this logo. -Please do not put any stroke or shadow on the large SSBS letters.
Thank you for your careful attention to the edits requested. These concepts looks GREAT!! I will carefully review them and be back in touch. You did a wonderful job of delivering what I had requested. Thanks so much, Jennie
I appreciate your patience with me. I have just a few more minor edits and am hoping these are the final edit requests. :)
LOGO #136 - Please fill the green bars with the exact same gradient as used on logo #142.
- Keep SSBS letters in orange color, but slightly reduce font size so entire letter is shown. We do not want the SSBS letters to be cropped at all along the bottom edge. The entire letter should show and there should be a little bit of green bar below each letter please. Each letter should be the same font size and feel like it is comfortably positioned within each green bar.
-The tagline "Your profit and growth experts" feels a little weak. The size of the lettering is good, but it is still too thin and delicate and difficult to read. Keep this tagline in upper and lowercase letters, but please select a bolder font to use (or a bold version of existing font) so it's easier to read.
ALTERNATE LOGO: - Please send another logo that reflects all the edits requested above. The only difference would be the fill color of the green bars. Instead of filling the green bars with the gradient, please fill the green bars with exact same texture as used on Logo #144.
(Friendly reminder for both requests that SSBS letters are to be showcased in the orange color without any extra stroke our outline.)
Dear Jennie, Here's the updates #145, #146 and #147, #148 for the revision on colors and new font on tagline (upper & lower) based on your directions above... And here's for other updates for just give you any options based on my suggestions... Please don't be hesitate to request any revision again if you really need it. Thank you!
#151 is the winner!! Congrats and thanks for doing such a careful job on all the edits requested!!
Could you please send the logo with PMS colors assigned in vector EPS and PDF formats. Any colors that are not PMS colors should be CMYK please.
Please send me a version of the winning logo with fonts live, plus a version with fonts outlined. Please also send me the fonts (compatible with PC) so I can match them for future projects and tell me the names of the fonts.
(I will be using Adobe Illustrator CS5 for PC to open the files.)
Hi Rafa 17: I need some adjustments please on the final EPS file provided.
I opened the files labeled “PMS” in Adobe Illustrator and all of the colors that should be PMS colors are in CMYK mode. All I am needing from you please is an EPS file with the PMS colors assigned as spot colors to their proper areas please.
Are the gradients (inside green bars and inside golden arch shape) linked images that have been embedded? Or live vector gradients?
I need them to be live vector gradients please so when the logo is enlarged, the gradients will remain sharp and won’t become pixelated please.
Once I have this corrected final file from you, I will be able to approve the project on Logo Tournament.
Hello Rafa17: Could you please let me know when the final EPS file with PMS spot colors assigned and all gradients as live vector gradients will be available? I eagerly need this file please.
I eagerly need the corrected final EPS file with PMS spot colors assigned and all gradients as live vector gradients. Could you please supply ASAP. I have been waiting over 5 days for this file and eagerly need it for a project.