What We Do
Spyke is a new energy supplement. Our target demographic is people who need an extra boost of energy to workout our party after a long day.
We had some creative ideas that may provide some direction, but please feel free to be creative. We will try to give steady feedback on what we like. First, the name Spyke is in reference to a power spike (a sudden burst of energy). We were thinking that a lightening bolt would be cool.
Second, Spyke is completely organic, so we would love to incorporate some green into the logo.
We are thinking about the slogan being “A force of nature”. You don’t need to incorporate that into the logo, I just though mentioning may help.
This is going to be marketed to younger people, so the logo should be a little edgy. We were thinking about making the logo almost look like an Ed Hardy tattoo or shirt.
Keep in mind that the logo is going on a bottle of supplements, as well as website and print collateral.