could you try with #7 to make the graphic lines coming down more look like a sprinter leaning forward to the finish line? The lines now are pretty but don't add enough to it for my taste. Signify success, winning, striving to reach the finish line; so the lines could sway back to the left as if they are the runner's chest and abdomen.
actually they sway back that way in #8. Perhaps use just one sway line (that's his chest and abdomen) and put a head on him and perhaps some arms going up in victory.
OK, as I look at #7 now all it might need is take the bottom of the graphic image and drag it (both swooshes) to the left. That would make the guy pushing his/her chest out toward a finish line with arms up 1. that's what runners do at the finish line; 2) the arms are sort of going up like victory; 3) and they almost look like wings that he'll take off and fly which is cool.