We like the color gradation on #45 and also the combo blue and green with color gradations in #123. Another reason we like the butterfly concept is that our focus on respiratory drug discovery is truly transformational in that the research we conduct is very novel and we think it will help "transform" the way drugs are discovered and developed. Thus the butterfly is a good symbol as it too undergoes transformation from a caterpillar.
Hi, we'd like to see other typeface options for entry #123. We're still very interested in #128, however we wish only to pick one of the two to be among the top 5 rankings, hence we will put # 128 towards the bottom so as not to lose it. Thank-you
Hi, and congratulations for making our top five finalists! We'd like to see #123 in a lower case typeface. We want a typeface that has the look and feel of something very contemporary and cutting edge. The existing typeface is good in that regard, but we're wondering if others might be better utilizing same grey-black color.
We also haven't ruled out entry #128 with the design element flush left.
Thanks for the revisions! We'd like to see #225 with text in grey as in #278 and maybe some other shades of grey like more defined grey as what we are seeing here.
We still like very much your butterfly design indicating transformation. It is a strong contender in our consideration. That said, we are also exploring more "empty vessel" approaches and would welcome new submissions if you'd like. Thank-you.
Hi, We think the butterfly logos really need a tagline. To that end, can you please add the tagline, "Transforming drug discovery" to logos #123, 128 and 281?
Also, in an effort to make sure we stand out in a sea of competitor logos, we invite you to take a look at some of our competitors (Lovelace Institute, ChanTest, Lonza, MatTek, Parexel, InaMed) as well as some of our collaborators (Cycstic Fibrosis Foundation, American Thoracic Society). If you have further ideas based on our desire to have our logo stand out in the crowd, please submit any revisions at your earliest convenience. Perhaps you can explore a new range of color options for the butterflies?
thanks for all your comment, i really appreciate it. by the way, in judging mode, only 1st rank can submit the revision, in the other word, i cant submit the new revision until you put me on the 1st rank "you can see the information below the briefing"
Hi, we like 333-335 colors the best. We're wondering though what each of these designs would look like if you did the color fade the way #123 was done where the colors on the wings are gradated from light color closest to the body, to darker color at the edge of the wings. Could you revise #s 333-335 this way for us to look at?
Thanks. Can you tell me what the difference is between the new submissions (351, 352, 353)? They look very much the same to me.
Also, the colors are darker in these new versions than in 333 - 335 which are the brighter colors we liked. Can you make them with gradations in the brighter colors, or do you think it will look too washed out? Please let us know your thinking.
they look a little different, #352, #353 is rounded gradation, and #351 is line gradation... and different dark color composition... yes i want to the bright color blue and green domination the wings... i will try to make them both equal...
Lighter and brighter is what we're looking for. Lighter and brighter color exactly as in #333-335, but with gradation. Please tell me what changes you make when you make new submissions. Thanks.
this #354 is the same bright color inside the wings, and dark color in the edge of the wings, it looks less bright because it blended dark and bright (visual effect), and different looks with solid color like this #333, unless i try with glasses effect like this #355 #356 #357 #358