you're ranked first for now, but definitely plan to check in in 2 days if you don't submit other ideas in the meantime -- I expect it may be fast & furious with new entries at that point, and I like where you were going with this. I may want to see some color variations and/or text variations, but if it were me designing, I'd probably wait until I saw what all we have in the mix.
Glendon, you're still in first with #79! #98 and #99 are ranked lower, but I see a lot of potential. For #99, it looks both like upward arrows AND a Spire. The problem is that some may not see the spire, but I think this might have potential as a really unique mark. I think the strokes are too thick on both the new ones, and the bottom looks "hollow" on #99, but if you could play with the arrow concept in #99, you might be on to something that could really stand hold out and win this thing. I'm not sure if I'm passionate enough about #79 to say it has staying power with the late entries that tend to come in, so working on the #99 idea might be the one to focus on. Good luck!
yep, I definitely like the original concept of yours (#79 and #141) better than the alternative ideas (#101, etc) You've slipped out of first, but the top 8 are all very, very close. It's going to be hard to decide. I like the gradient in #141. I still have #79 at the top, but they are interchangeable in my mind, and I'd probably switch them later if you won.
you and 2 others are finalists, and it's very close. Plz check your private message for a few tweaks I'd like to see if you have time. I just extended the contest 2 days to make it easy for you to upload the changes. Thanks!
I ought to have enough imagination to visualize this, but would you please try one more color variation that's very similar to #362?
Switch the text coloring so the word "spire" is in blue, is "advertising" in red. Keep the building colored as it is in #362, but perhaps try it with both a red ring surrounding the light blue sky (as you have it) OR a dark blue ring surrounding the light blue sky. Then do the exact same color arrangement above, but with the sans serif font you have in #270.
So 4 combinations: serif font / blue ring; serif font / red ring; sans-serif / blue ring; sans-serif / red ring.
My goal is to keep blue the dominant color, but to experiment some more with the red. I will try to make this the last of the revisions!
Okay, here is a new concept for the spire going in a different direction than any prior entries... The view is still looking up, only alot closer this time. there are 3 "arrows pointing up, the most prominent being the top. I hope you like it!
Sit tight my friend. The entry you have (#324 or #270) is in second in my mind right now, but it's very close. I'm getting feedback from lots of different people to help me make my decision, and yours is definitely in contention.
glendon, I did select baiskee as the winner, but this was a VERY tough contest to judge. You were right there, and ended up #2, out of nearly 500 entries. Thanks for your good work. I will be sending my clients to logo tournament when they need designs, and I'll tell them to be sure to invite you to the contest.