Thanks for the comps. #144 and #145 aren't quite for my company, but #146 is interesting. Would be interesting to see the graphic element in a right orange-red color. Thanks again. :-)
hmm.. maybe it because the file to small so it not showing perfectly... I just add some gradient to the new entry.. I'll try to make it more obvious i guess :)
Ah, I see the difference much better in #186. That's a beautiful design and I prefer the size of the graphic element to the font ... everything looks in better proportion. I have to be 100% honest with you and say I'm not crazy about the font--I much prefer a font treament such as that in #139 or #100 or #142--but we don't really need to mess with that right now. Moreover, the tagline for my company is "Driving demand. Building success." (you have "Driving demands. Building success." ... there's an 's' at the end of 'demand' that shouldn't be there). Also, I would like the tag to span to the end of the "o" in 'Studio" so the symentry looks right.
Regarding #190, it's an attractive design, but the graphic element looks a little too much like a Slinky, so I'm pass on that one.
Thanks much for your creativity and work; I really appreciate it. :-)