Just want to check if you already sees files.
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well.
Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away. https://logotournament.com/help/client/42
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap.
For font i use Gotham.
Comment Activity
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well.
Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away.
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap.
For font i use Gotham.
#131, #132