Please add words: National Association for the Specialty Food Trade as stated in brief. Also can you play with the graphic element and try to make it more three dimensional.
#23. I like this but can the words National Association for the Specialty Food Trade seem a little misplaced. Can you move them to the right of the ".com (not sure how this will look). Also, instead of using the red color for "food" can you make it blue like you did in #25 (but keep the weight of the font the same).
I really like your logos but my main issue is that the "icon" or "symbol" isn't totally relating site..(ie: not sure what it means?)...this is a tough one but if you could try to come up with an icon that says:Online Resource, Business Growth and Innovation that would be great.
Ok, let me make the first changes and then i will come up with something new, still abstract right? Nothing obvious like the usual icons for bussiness and that stuff, right?
Im sorry, i had to withdraw the other entry, because dino45 had the same idea and he came out with it first. I just want to say that i got my inspiration from other part, unfortunatly, it was after dino45.
I will came out with other stuff. Hope you like it.
something like that :( im sorry, let me try something else, im sad because after i been honest, this guy, (the one you put in second with my other idea) copy my design. Im very sad. I tried to be right and this is what i get.
Yes, i was about to do that! About putting back the design, im going to submit another entry that maybe could be a good solution, thanks for be so patient.
I like the new one with the lines crossing a bit ..anyway to but the plate back or work out an icon that has more meaning...innovation, online resource, business..things like shopping cart, shopping bag...maybe? Not sure just trying to brain storm more.
Im working in new ideas, more like the way you want to go... we have time, and we are a lot of designers. The most imporant thing here is that you get a great logo, the best for your bussiness. Nothing else matters in LT, so, if you just dont like nothing else and you still want the plate back, we will see how we can work out this.
When i made the waitress logo, i was thinking in a way to include the online research to the graphic, and then, i thought that it would be nice to make the hand of the waitress the hand of search from the web, all this is in entry 57.
So, you got online research with the "web-select-hand", you have the plate that represents your bussiness, the steam represents the innovation and grow,
Great work! We really like like both the plate (withdrawn) and the hand with the plate (#55). Do you think trying the type of steam in #40 might work with the plate? Thanks!
of course, the eps file is completly editable and i want to give you the usual logo-package. Is something that i always provide to my clients that includes:
-logo fonts -the logo in 3 diferent vector programs (ilustrator, corel draw, freehand) -variations of the logo with cool efects (web 2.0, diferent backgrounds, special print aplications need it for all kind of reproductions)
Once you choose the logo, it is yours and you can do or ask for any modification you could need or want.