Panji, can you gives a variation of #19, #18 and #41 in the form of an emblem? nd for #32 can you add more decorations? Maybe add something about Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics GRAPHICALLY not in words/writing/typed. PLEASE, don't delete the ones uploaded. Post new ones.
On #52 could you switch the yellow to blue and make Sowing Seeds of Success bigger? On #54 could you make Community Development Center a bit darker green? Thank you!
Could you please, do #72 with the brown see but with green sprout and green tree? And one with brown seed and lighter green sprout and the green tree? Thank you so much!!!
Could you make the rings on #75 and #76 a bit thicker? And another with the same size and thickness rings but a bit more opened than they're currently. Thanks Panji! We're almost there!
This looks really good. The circles are a bit crooked on #77 but I guess you will fix that for the final logo. Panji, is it possible to get two logos one like #77 another like it but with the atom sign?
Okay not that's not exactly what I was asking for. It needs to be more like #77 - there are two leaves on the left touching the blue circle. The top one touching the circle is fine but the second one shouldn't. Sorry for the confusion.
#84 is really good! Could you make the sprout on #84 the same gradient as the grown tree? For some reason it looks a little bluish. Thank you Panji, you've been wonderful!
Panji, It looks nicer! 1. Could you the sprout tad bit darker so it looks just like the grown tree. 2. Could you make #85 feel more like #63 — keep #85 with the same colors. We like the grass very much but we need it too look more like an emble/abstract mark. #63 fees very concise and we'd like #85 to feel the same. Thank you very much!
i`m so sorry i can`t revision again because i will out of town for a few day, if you want please finish this contest , so i can prepare files ( with add atom )
Thank you so much for the revisions. We have various Board Members and so the revision requests kept coming.
I understand that you will be out of town. We will finalize the contest but we do have one last request and we'll be happy to tip you for your hard work. Please, see the following link for the last request: The simplicity of the first one in the link above is just extraordinary. Once again we're very thankful! If you can't work on it, we will wait for you to come back home. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Panji! Please, confirm that you get this message.
Yes! Looks good! Could you make it not touch the borders on both sides similar to #63 but keeping the grass curved to the shape of the borders. Thank you, P!
Yes, I understand and that looks very good. Just fix the grass on the right hand side by the tree. For some reason it looks like there is less grass than #63. The left hand side looks beautiful! Nice and spiky grass.
Something happened, Panji? #92 is touching the borders again. #91 was perfect just needed to add a little bit of grass like #63 on the RIGHT hand side without touching the borders of course.
Almost! The right hand side is perfect. The left is still touching the orange ring. If you could just make it go parallel with the contour of the orange ring it would be really good like on #91 Thanks Panji, I wish we finished this a few hours ago but had to sleep a little bit.