Thank you for your entries! I love #28's layout and I really like the whimsical use of the stick character (guess you've heard that before) incorporated in the letters, very clever. This was an image I had in my head as well--originally as a guy on a "target" concept. We'd welcome anymore deigns you come up with around to this theme. Thanks for a great job!
Hi, the main idea is that the person/character has a uniform which is created by a mirrored number '1' to represent Source -1- uniforms. It can also be used as a standalone symbol as in #29
Thank you! I like it but think the strong colors are better in the Red/Black version.
I just submitted a second company name if you'd like to participate in that one too. It's called Uniform Ready and I welcome your creative designs. You do great work :-)
Hi again. By now you probably know that I have two logos going-this one and Uniform Ready. I much prefer the other designs so plan to use the Source One logo on my promo site. Can I trouble you to show "Promotions" instead of "Uniforms" on design #28? Thanks for a great job on both logos. Your work is really nice. Where are you in the US? I am in CA.
Your design #28 is our favorite. However, we are going to go with Promos rather than Uniforms now. Can you revise as Source One Promos (or Promotions using your stick figure on the i) Also, we want to use similar colors on both brands. My other company is Uniform Ready and we are using teal/grey. Can you show me #28 like this combo as an option? (#92)
I like #86 with the tagline. However the .com has to go as my URL is The name is ok, please just remove the .com. Sorry, I should have mentioned that to you earlier
Thank you! Now I just need to decide whether or not to include the .com...I like both of these and was able to purchase too. Both are very good!
I see the files for approval but you did not include the .com version which is actually the #1 choice. The file sent was for the SourceOne Promotions and tagline. When we talked earlier you were going to provide both files. Can you add this or will it be coming over to me separately? As soon as it is here I will approve the download so you can get paid for the job. I'd love a large version of the stick figure separately too if that is possible.
I downloaded, thank you! However could not open the .eps files as your version is newer than mine. No worries I can get my brother (graphic artist) to do that. Would it be possible to get a b and w version of the designs too? I forgot to ask for that earlier.