With entry 46, can we make the lettering more square, have the stripe more pronounced and the bottom of the lettering of the word SOTEC red like the top of the S?
ok... talked to my boss. we like 46 alot. for the final version: can we ALL CAPS the "SOTEC" make the stripe more pronounced (all white with a hard edge vs shading) - justify the "government solutions" so the width matches the "SOTEC". and for 1 version: have the top of the "SOTEC" red and for 2nd version: have the bottom of the "SOTEC" + "Government solutions" red
please let m know if you have any questions liz.curlett@sotec-gov.com
Thank you for liking my design. Iam really appreciate it. #62, ALL CAPS the "SOTEC" and make the stripe more pronounced also justify the "government solutions" width. #63 & #64 other versions with The logo placed at The left of The Text. #65 The all CAPS version of The #61. please feel free to let me know if you have other suggestions.