Thanks for the improvements! #81 and #82 definitely represent the feel for my company better. Can we try duplicating those logos and having them face each other, so that it looks like SS mirroring?
#81 is good, can we mirror it? I've been playing around with it myself, and I think something is there. Mirror the logo so that the bottom touches and give it a sheen. And make the Sophia in Sapphire gold, shiny gold, with a sheen.
Also, try changing font of "the first dance of your life" to Zapfino, or a cursive script. Also, another version of the SS mirroing but not touching, same distance as #84 Thank you!
I also like #82 just on its own. Can you make the gold shiny with a sheen? and maybe adding a sheen to Sophia in Sapphire so that it has a Sapphire shiny sheen to it? thanks
If you have more ideas, please send them over. I do like #96 and #97 a lot, and it's almost there, I just don't think dance when I see it. any way to put a slight and subtle spin on it?
I like #97 and #96 the best. Can we make the yellow darker, like in some other rankings, and the blue brighter. For #97 Can we make the Sophia in Sapphire a Brighter and shinier blue, like a navy, turquoise. I've seen some of those colors- gold darker and more vibrant and blue shiny and turquoise in the center used in the rankings. Also, #142 and #143 are not really my style. Let's try to focus on #96 and #97. And also change the Zapfino "The first dance..." to another font, either the same as sophia in sapphire font or another font, and make it gold. Thank you for your hard work!
#97 is still my favorite. The new darker yellow makes it look a little dirty, not shiny. I'm looking for vibrant., hotter color like the blue be an aqua sapphire and the gold be super shiny and bright yellow/orange gold. Also, I need the entire phrase "The First Dance of the Rest of your Life..." in the same font. not just "The first Dance" Thanks
#97 and #161 - They are my favorite. Can you make "The First Dance of the Rest of Your Life" Gold but in a script font, either Zapfino or another script font, but gold?
Thank you. There is something that needs to slightly change with the color of "The first dance of the rest of your life...", in #174, but we are closer! Maybe make it more brown, or try making it sapphire, dark blue or different colors?
Thanks, I am still thinking about the color, but the gold of the logo in #97 is the one I want for sure. You have provided horizontal styles, is it possible to see some vertical styles, like if I need a logo and Sophia in Sapphire to fit in a square, how would that look like (without the tag line "that first dance of the rest of your life..."
#187 is good, but in black #190 the blue doesn't stand out enough, can we fix the blue so that it pops out with the black? And can I see the same variations for the horizontal logo: logo on black, black and white, white and black? Thanks! Great job by the way-I like your work!
Those are much better and clearer. The only other hard to read Sophia in Sapphire is #193. Can we make Sophia in Sapphire dark gold? Can I also see a horizontal version of the gold on white, also with a dark gold for Sophia in Sapphire and dark gold for the tag line "the first dance of the rest of your life".
Done #209 #210 and #211 #212 here I show them on black as well to make sure it looks good on both dark and light background to keep the color consistency.
Just curious, you can't be using all the color variations for your branding, can you? Not the best way to get people to recognize it. Just my two cents.
I know what you are saying about variations, but I am also planning on using the variations for clothing, and other gift material which might not necessarily look good with the blue, etc. Do you agree? I appreciate your 2 cents.
Ideally you would need to have the color and B&W version--and invert. For things that don't look good with color version --or you might reduce the production cost for that matter-- you simply use the B&W version.
However I can understand where you're coming from and I will try my best.
I am happy with the entries. I am just confused about which colorings to chose because on white it seems like colors need to be darker and on black it seems like they need to be lighter.
I'd say #188 and #206 is the closest to what we've been trying to accomplish. I'd use those as the main logo. They'll work on black too. As the white background goes, I will use the black and white version.
Ok Subzero, thanks for your hard work. So now I can only chose one design as a winner, is that right? But what if I want #188 #206 #203 and #208? Or do you just recommend the gold #188 and #206.
By the way, are #194 and #207 the same as #188 and #206, just different background?
And also, do you send just the logo, without the background?
Yes, you can only choose one design as a winner. However as I mentioned earlier, all the variations are yours. #194 #207 #188 #206 are the same just different background. I'll send with the background too.