Hey! Thanks for your submissions - like them very much! I'm just not sure whether the "S" is a lttle bit too squiggly so that people who don't know the brand yet have problems deciphering it... I will try to get some feedback from my family and friends on that. Perhaps in the meantime you could show me an alternative with a slightly adapted "S", so I would have something to compare it to? Would be great!
P.S.: Could you also make a suggestion how to include the tagline "100% frisch gepresst" (translation: 100% freshly squeezed"). That would be great! Thank!
Thanks so much for your feedback and ranking! I have to go out right now but as soon as I get back to my desk I will make these changes for you and post them.
the new S is great, thanks! I like the way you included the tagline, but I think the lettering has to be a little bit bigger. It probably looks better the way it is now, but it might be too small for people really to pay attention to it. So perhaps you could enlarge it a little bit? And could you also show me how entry #29 would look like if you left out the "shiny" part of the lettering in sooch (so just plain green)? I do like it very much but unfortunately the legibility of the logo might be better without it...
could you do me one more favour? Could you take out the claim in # 28 and replace it with the claim of entry # 40? And could you also do a version of this result in white on coloured background (like #19)? Thanks a lot!!
I have just made those changes and uploaded the files - I also added one that has a 'brighter' red behind the name & logo - don't hesitate to ask me for any further alterations!
I guess you have probably understood me wrong. I was interested to see those changes in the logo #28. The one with the orange that has the red center. I would like to see this logo with the claim underneath the orange (like #39, #40 etc) instead of above it. Same holds true for the "white on coloured background" thing. Sorry for the mix up. Hope it didn't cause too much trouble...
thanks! Yes, that's exactly what I meant! But I still can't decide which version I like best. They all look great! :-) Could you perhaps show me how it would look like if I exchanged the orange of #40 with the orange of #75? So that I can compare if I prefer the "Sooch" typo with the strong reflection or with the softer one? Thanks again!
yes, exactly. I only have one last modification I would like to ask you to do and then I probably have every possible modification. :-) Could you take #83 and position the "sooch" like you did in #75? Would be awesome. I will be skiing for a couple of days now (till Monday) but promise you to decide right after I'm back. But I will definitely take one of your logos! Thanks again for all your input and all the work you put into this - I really love it!
Talked to friends and family and I think I may have decided. :-) But its again a new modification (didn't think there were any combinations of position, colour etc that you didn't already show me, but there are...) Sorry!! Coud you show me #83 but with the stron reflection (like the one in #75)?