Hello, here's a logo concept for your review. Please click on my entry to send feedback or if you have any questions. you can also use the private message tool, this ways you would get a faster respond. Thanks, DonGato
Hello Matthew, here's a concept of a microphone with some leaves and musical notes. If you like this concept, I can refine it some more. Thanks, DonGato
Hey DonGato! MatthewMateo here. First off, I dig your designer name. I apologize I haven't been in contact sooner today. Been in meetings all day and finally have had a chance to respond. I appreciate your imaginative concept to incorporate a mic into the design. As cool as that is, I feel most attracted to the seeds of inspiration sprouting into full-fledged music. I think you are really on to something the way that you incorporated seeds into the treble clef of Entry #5. You had also submitted another entry that had my favorite font of all the entries for SongSeeds.org. You withdrew it before I had a chance to respond. Could you please re-submit it, but also experiment with the following: 1). Try combining the font style of the withdrawn entry with Entry #5. 2). I am pleased with the way you had the slogan: "Growing Music from the Ground Up" below the Logo. 3). Could you have the seeds on the staff so that they are sprouting musical leaves? 4). Try working with a blue and orange for the logo or some other colors that strike your fancy. Thank you, DonGato, and keep up the good work! MatthewMateo