#111 Wow! Love that ship. Elbphilharmonie should be more background. Maybe with thin outline (do ´nt know). Hamburg should be more readable. My heart is bumbing for that logo ...
Thanks. #127 #128: Please try "Elbphilharmonie" darker, is to much in front. Sorry, but the real view would have the "Elbphilharmonie" on the right, ship is like not driving zo the right, the highest tower left and sie biggest, the Michel, in the middle. Would be great.
Thanks. Everything in Background dark blue (without ouline of Elbphilharmonie)? The skyline in #111 was good, but Elbphilharmonie should be dark blue or have such an gradient.
#162 is it i guess, I hope it will be also a .ai-file, Elbphilharmonie at #160 ist much better. Could have one color, same as others. And those flags in top of curches have to be deleded. Wunderful work. Thank yiu very much.
Hi, Are you still there? Is it possible to make two minor corrections? After all this time? Blue of the CITY (not the boat) in #333333, the large tower slightly smaller and "in Hamburg" In the same font as SUMMER, but black and next to it on a line?